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Direct Mail Advertising Includes All Facets of a Company s Services
Greg Sands
There are numerous methods to reach potential customers in most every business. There is direct mail, television, e-mail, voice (telephone via a real person or perhaps a recorded message instead), fax (less used today than ever), smartphone messages, and on and on. However, several studies have proven that tangible materials i.e. physical materials which someone can hold, feel, and touch remain the most important medium through which to contact another human being.
A Sensory Message
Messages, text, letters, and even graphics come and go on computer, television, and smartphone screens. They can whiz by in a blur. All of a sudden, you are thinking? What did they say? What did I just see? But, it may be too late. Once it s gone, are you sure you can recall the exact same message or image again? Where do you find it? Where did you find it in the first place? It can easily become lost in a thousand emails, perhaps deleted, perhaps consigned to some space you will never see again. But a piece of direct mail such as an auto repair marketing flyer is something that reached you in tangible form ah, that can be different. It is something you can see, something you can touch, something you can file that you can find again when you need it.
Preventive Maintenance Inspection (PMI)
What is the goal of auto repair direct mail? What should it be? It is not only about driving new customers through your business s doors; it is about keeping them once they are there. How do you do that? Look at the whole car and take into consideration the current needs of the customer, but also take a forward-thinking approach and anticipate what some of the future needs of the automobile owner might be.
The focus of an auto repair shop direct mail campaign needs to be expressed to the service employees of your business as well, so they will be prepared to anticipate the needs of potential clients who come through your doors as the result of a successful auto repair marketing flyer. It is a complete process that needs to begin and end with you, the business owner, allowing the professional direct mail experts to work in the middle.
Once a new customer is through your doors from an effective auto repair direct mail campaign, whether it is for an oil change or another specific automotive ailment, the service representatives need to look at the whole car as a physician would look at the whole patient. Try to foresee any issues that the car owner might also need to consider and give a complete assessment of the entire package. A direct mail marketing campaign can get customers through the door you will need to keep them.
Professional Looking Message
When you choose a quality auto repair shop direct mail marketing company, you can rest assured that a professional product and only a professional product will be delivered to the doors of your potential future customers. That is the kind of message you want to be associated with the name of your business. You should know what each automotive repair direct mailing postcard, letter, or flyer has as its focus in order for results to be determined. Another service that a reputable auto repair shop direct mail provider should offer is the ability to track the results from each of your direct mail pieces.
When you find a company that offers a complete turn-key program such as Mudlick Mail does, with services from the beginning of the process through the end, sign them up and turn them loose to bring more customers into your car care shop.
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Mudlick Mail
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