Report urges Kenya to ban plastic bags

Wednesday, March 9, 2005File:Plastic bag stock sized.jpg

They are cheap, useful, and very plentiful, and that is exactly the problem, according to researchers. A report issued on Feb. 23 by a cadre of environment and economics researchers suggested that Kenya should ban the common plastic bag that one gets at the checkout counter of grocery stores, and place a levy on other plastic bags, all to combat the country’s environmental problems stemming from the bags’ popularity.

Divorce Lawyers In Garden City Ks Can Help You Get Through The Divorce

August, 2014 byAlma Abell

Getting divorced may be the most stressful time in a person’s life. Anger, grief, regret and loss may control a person’s actions, causing him or her to do or say regrettable things. Many find change always difficult to deal with and divorce is a profound change.

There are some frequently asked questions about Kansas divorce.

What are the grounds for a Kansas divorce?

Incompatibility is the ground for most divorces. It means that the couple no longer with to live together, cannot get along and either or both desire to end the marriage.

What if I don’t want a divorce?

If one spouse wants a divorce, regardless of the other spouse’s wishes, the court is required to grant the divorce.

What is an uncontested divorce?

If both husband and wife agree on all issues pertaining to the divorce (division of property, custody and visitation, child support etc.), the divorce is considered ‘uncontested’. If there is disagreement on an issue, then work must be done to reach agreement.

What if I want to claim that the divorce is all my spouse’s fault?

While Kansas law allows ‘fault’ divorce, that is usually a very bad idea and will seldom affect the court’s decision. Generally, all that a ‘fault’ divorce accomplishes is a much slower divorce process, increased costs (from 3-10 times the cost) and a lot of bitter arguments. Discuss the matter with Divorce Lawyers In Garden City KS or where you live before proceeding.

Does it make a difference who files for divorce first?

Kansas is a ‘no-fault’ divorce state, so legally it doesn’t matter who filed first. In a few cases, there may be a strategic advantage to filing first; discuss this with a divorce lawyer.

What should I do? I just received divorce papers.

Don’t panic. The law allows 20 days to respond to the petition if served in Kansas and 30 days if the papers were received outside Kansas. The response to the divorce petition is called an ‘Answer’. It is critical to respond within the 20 or 30 days; otherwise, you will be ‘in default’ and will have forfeited your rights and can be divorced without your knowledge.

The Law Offices of Todd Allison and Sarah Newell Offices have helped many through the treacherous divorce waters. These Divorce Lawyers In Garden City KS are experienced in all of the ramifications of divorce in Kansas. Browse the Website for more information.

LHC sets new particle energy acceleration record

Monday, November 30, 2009

The world’s Large Hadron Collider accelerated its protons to an energy of 1.18 TeV at 00:44 GMT+1 today. This set a new world record, surpassing the 0.98 TeV record set at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory‘s Tevatron collider, which was commissioned in Chicago in 2001. The event came ten days after the LHC collider restart.

Yesterday at 20:48 UTC, one proton beam was accelerated to 1050 GeV (1.05 TeV) in LHC. Three hours later, the next record was set by two beams of opposite direction, 1.18 TeV each.

The CERN researchers are delighted with the quick progress and are happy with the excellent performance of the machine. Steve Myers, director of accelerators and technology at the Cern particle physics laboratory near Geneva, commented on LHC optimistically, comparing it with the twenty-year old Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP): “I was here 20 years ago when we switched on Cern’s last major particle accelerator, LEP. I thought that was a great machine to operate, but this is something else. What took us days or weeks with LEP, we’re doing in hours with the LHC. So far, it all augurs well for a great research programme.”

High proton beam energy is needed to get many proton-proton collisions. However, all elements of the system need to be monitored carefully, and sudden energy increases are undesirable to ensure that the machine operates within normal parameters, in order to avoid a repeat of the superconductive magnet quench and consequent six-tonne liquid helium leak catastrophe on September 19, 2008, nine days after the first start. The damage caused by the leak, and the subsequent repairs and upgrades to the LHC that were needed, caused a delay of more than a year in the commissioning of the collider.

“We are still coming to terms with just how smoothly the LHC commissioning is going. It is fantastic. However, we are continuing to take it step-by-step, and there is still a lot to do before we start physics in 2010” said Cern’s director general Rolf Heuer.

NASA calls end to Mars Phoenix mission

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

NASA officials have decided to call an end to the Mars Phoenix Mission, after winter took hold of the red planet. NASA calls the mission a total success.

“Phoenix has given us some surprises, and I’m confident we will be pulling more gems from this trove of data for years to come,” said Phoenix Principal Investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona in a statement on NASA’s website.

The Phoenix lander last sent a signal to Earth on November 2. NASA says that colder temperatures, lack of sunlight and increased dust particles on the lander’s solar arrays has stopped its on board batteries from charging, causing the instruments to fail.

Despite the news, Phoenix had operated two months longer than scheduled. The lander had been operating for over five months.

Phoenix was responsible for several discoveries on Mars, including the confirmation of the presence of water-ice, which had previously only been detected from space.

“Phoenix provided an important step to spur the hope that we can show Mars was once habitable and possibly supported life. Phoenix was supported by orbiting NASA spacecraft providing communications relay while producing their own fascinating science. With the upcoming launch of the Mars Science Laboratory, the Mars Program never sleeps,” said Doug McCuistion, director of the Mars Exploration Program.

NASA officials will continue to listen for a signal from Phoenix, in hopes that it will phone home again in the near future.

My Ex Boyfriend Still Talks To Me Does He Want Me Back?}

Submitted by: Anthony Malibu

Every break up has the potential for reconciliation. Whether or not you get your boyfriend back depends on what you do, when you do it, and how you interpret his signs of interest. Knowing how your ex feels about you can go a long way toward getting him back. And if your ex boyfriend still talks to you? You need to realize what it means.

Any time an exboyfriend keeps in touch with you after breaking things off, it’s a sign that he’s not ready to let go. Although he may have ended the relationship, your ex still wants the option to change his mind. Keeping the lines of communication open is an easy way for him to get his foot back in the door, should he decide he wants you back.

In the meantime however, your ex also wants you to stand still. He doesn’t want you going anywhere right now – losing you to someone else is a worst-case scenario for you. When a guy still has feelings for you, he might lead you on from time to time… giving you signs that he’s still interested. But the longer you let him string you along? The longer you’re actually going to prolong the break up.

If you’re sitting around wondering why your ex boyfriend still talks to you, the best thing to do is ask yourself the following questions:

What kind of written or email communication have you had with your ex boyfriend since he broke up with you?

Some guys will walk away without a word. Others will feel the need to write stuff down. What your ex says when he says goodbye can determine whether or not he’s leaving for good.

One of the more common things a guy will do when he’s not sure he wants to lose you is write out an apology letter. In it, he accepts some or all of the blame for breaking up. The real reason you got such a letter is simple: your ex wants to part on good terms. Even though he knows you’ll be upset or even angry that he broke up with you, apologizing is his way of softening the blow and leaving the door open for a future relationship. This is a sure sign that he still loves and wants you, but may not be ready to jump back into your romance just yet.


An even bigger indication that your ex is thinking about you: getting unsolicited cards or flowers on your birthday. When your ex boyfriend remembers your birthday even after you’ve broken up, you can be sure you’re still stuck in his head.

An ex who’s writing little more than emails and text messages, and who’s only making small talk? That’s okay for a while. Eventually however, you’ll need to amp up the level of intimacy during your communication. One of the best ways to do this is by using reinsertion techniques to remind him of the great times you once shared together. Learning how to place yourself back in your ex boyfriend’s heart again is a critical part of winning him back.

Does your ex ever talk about the “good old days” when you were together?

An ex boyfriend who keeps bringing up the good times you had together is an ex boyfriend who can’t let go. He’s still got feelings for you, and is weighing your recent relationship against memories from the past. If you’re wondering why my ex boyfriend still talks to me… it’s because of these feelings.

The things you did, places you went, and happy times you had together are what defined you as a couple. Time has the tendency to heal all wounds, and bad memories tend to fade faster than good ones. Over a long enough period, both you and your ex will remember only the good things you did together – strengthening the bonds between you.

The more often your ex brings up the past, the more he’s thinking about it. But the biggest indication that your ex still loves you and may be ready to get back together occurs when he starts blaming you for the break up. He can’t help but do this; he wants you back, but accepting blame for the end of the relationship makes it harder to piece things back together. Therefore, he tries to drag you into the blame game… even though he knows you’re not at fault.

Any time your ex boyfriend takes steps in your direction, you need to be encouraging. Many women can actually sabotage their own efforts to get back with an exboyfriend because they’re too quick to assign blame as an ex is trying to approach them. Try not to do this, or your ex may take it as a sign you’re rejecting his advances.

Exactly how did your boyfriend break things off with you?

Some guys will break up with you without giving a concrete reason. But if your boyfriend did sit you down for this type of talk, his reasons for ending the relationship can have a huge bearing on the future of ever dating him again.

When a guy flat out tells you he’s not interested in seeing you anymore, it’s about the worst it can get. Either he’s being brutally honest and lacks some class, or he’s angry at how things have turned out. In either case, you have your work cut out for you if you want him back. This is an uncommon way to break things off, but it does happen.

An ex who suggests that each of you would be better off with someone else already has that person in mind. Your ex is setting you up for a few days or weeks later, when you find out he has a new girlfriend. He’s trying to cover his ass, because now he can point back to your conversation and say “Well we already discussed seeing other people” – a cowardly way out, but at least he’s being semi-honest with you.

When your boyfriend “wants space”, he’s not sure what he wants. Half of him wants to still be with you, and the other half is wandering off. You need to act quickly here, if you want to keep him interested.

If fighting and arguing was a key part of your break up, this can actually be good news. Fiery relationships can be passionate, and your ex may still rely heavily upon seeing you. Immaturity however, and constant bickering over little things? That can really destroy your romance. If the fighting has been spread out over a long period of time, it’s probably not a good sign.

Finally, when your ex asks for a break instead of a break up? He’s not ready to lose you just yet. Ideally, he wants you to stay put while he figures out if there’s anyone better for him out there. The best thing you can do is not stay put, and force your exboyfriend to make a choice by giving the appearance that you yourself are ready to move on. When your ex realizes you’re not going to wait around forever, that’s when he’ll make immediate moves to get you back.

About the Author: There are 8 Individual Steps that will

Get Back Your Ex Boyfriend

, so find out what they are! The quicker you start on the road to reversing your break up, the faster you can be

dating your ex



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Australian Senator Bob Brown calls for ban on junk food ads

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown today called for a ban on junk food advertisements during times that children are watching TV. In a press release, the Senator referred specifically to the previous night’s episode of Four Corners.

“The extensive use of psychologists to analyse little children’s responsiveness to TV advertising, including how best to influence parents to buy goods by ‘nagging’ from children, is exploitation without honour,” Senator Brown said.

The documentary, entitled How The Kids Took Over, investigated the increase in marketing to children, who “have a say” in AU$700 billion worth of spending each year. “The marketing assault is aimed not only at getting children to spend. Even companies who market adult products, such as cars, are enlisting children to help persuade their parents to buy the ‘right’ brand,” the program summary said.

In the past the Government has rejected such calls. It recently launched a $6 million advertising campaign encouraging children to exercise an hour each day.

Senator Brown says he plans to propose a Senate Inquiry.

Borneo bridge collapse: death toll reaches four, many remain missing

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The death toll from yesterday’s suspension bridge collapse on the Indonesian island of Borneo has risen from three to four, with a six-month-old baby among the dead. Search and rescue teams continue to look for survivors in the Mahakam River.

The initial death toll was raised at first to five, but was revised back down to four. The number of wounded rose from at least seventeen to at least nineteen, but Monsters and Critics offers a figure as high as 39 injured; Indonesia Today yesterday suggested the actual figure was 100 hospitalised. Roughly 40 people remain missing at the scene in East Kalimantan’s Kutai Kartanegara district, where “Kalimantan’s Golden Gate Bridge” linked the towns of Tenggarong and Samarinda.

At least three cars, several motorbikes, and at least one public bus all fell into the Mahakam River. Another car was left overturned and balanced upon wreckage over the water. State-owned builders PT Hutama Karya completed the bridge about a decade ago in the image of California’s Golden Gate Bridge, and it is now reported it was under repair at the time of the failure. New information suggests a cable on the 720-metre structure failed as workers dealt with it; six of the repair crew are among the missing.

National police representative Boy Rafly Amar said “It is believed that some victims are still in the river. There are two buses in the river and efforts are under way to lift them.” He said 39 were rescued with 20 still in hospital. Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih visited survivors in Parikesit Hospital and promised them medical treatment at government expense.

“It happened so fast, only about 30 seconds,” according to National Disaster Management Agency spokesman Sutopo Nugoroho. National search and rescue head Daryatmo said Monday will see cranes attempt to move debris.

The president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, has sent three ministers to the site to investigate the accident, while Bambang Widaryatmo, head of East Kalimantan’s police, promised “parties found to be negligent will be prosecuted”. The government has promised a replacement ferry service. The river is closed to boats as rescue operations continue, and a 22-strong team has been dispatched from the national police, comprising six forensics experts, five disaster victim identification specialists, and eleven investigators. They are there to augment the East Kalimantan Police.

Some people swam ashore after falling, with the aftermath filled with screams. 40-year-old Adam Nur describes breaking free from a car and swimming 300 metres with one arm after his other arm was injured in the fall. Syakrani, 24, says he survived by clinging to empty plastic containers when he fell from the bridge after leaving his truck to investigate a traffic jam. “The authorities should have closed the bridge if it was under repair,” he said.

 This story has updates See Death toll from Borneo bridge collapse reaches eleven, November 28, 2011 

Simple Steps Homeowners Can Take For Water Damage Restoration In Saratoga

byAlma Abell

A flood is one of the worst things that can happen to a person’s home. Unfortunately, every year, thousands and thousands of homes have to deal with severe flooding. However, the actual water that enters a person’s home isn’t the main thing that people have to worry about. The real damage occurs after much of the water has subsided. This is when mold begins to grow and slowly ruins the integrity of a home’s structure.

In order to avoid the growth of mold throughout, a home a homeowner needs to act fast after a flood. One of the first things a person will want to do is turn off the power of their home and unplug any and all appliances. Allowing the power to remain active in a home could lead to an electrical fire that could cause more damage. Turning off the power makes it much safer for a person to enter a home and begin removing their items.

The next thing a person will want to do is try their best to get rid of as much water throughout the home as possible. Depending on how much water is left inside of a home, a homeowner might want to consider investing in a water pump. These devices work to pump large amounts of water out of one location and into another. A service for water damage restoration Saratoga offers may provide these devices with their services.

After pumping out the majority of water, it’s time to dry and disinfect the areas inside of your home. Dehumidifiers and fans can be used to remove moisture throughout the home, and a wet vacuum can be used to dry carpets and wooden floors. A service for Water Damage Restoration Saratoga offers can work to dry and effectively disinfect all areas of your home to avoid the growth of mold.

These are just a few of the steps people might take in order to save their homes after a flood. Again, it’s important to remember that electricity and water don’t mix. Turn off the power of the home before beginning the restoration process. Call a Professional Fire Restoration Service or water restoration service if you feel that the damage done to your home is simply too severe.