3 Common Causes Of Roof Leaks


One of the essential parts of being a homeowner is knowing how to deal with repairs when they arise. There are a number of different repair issues that you will face in your home and knowing how to deal with them is half of the battle. One of the most common repair issues that a homeowner will come across is a roofing leak, which can cause a lot of damage if not fixed in a timely manner. Here are a few of the most popular causes when it comes to roofing leaks.

Age of the Roof

One of the most common causes of a roof leak is age. As your roof becomes older, it will start to show signs of wear and may start to leak in places. The only way you will be able to fix this problem is by having the roof replaced. Make sure you find Roofing Services in the Harrow area to perform the work for you. They will be able to put the new roof on in a timely manner and without you having to lift a finger. Make sure that you find an experienced company to perform the work for you.

Missing or Damaged Shingles

Another very common cause of roofing leaks is missing or damaged shingles. The shingles on your roof will eventually become brittle due to the prolonged exposure to the sun. The longer that the shingles are on the roof, the more damage that they will be subject to. If the shingles on your home are missing, then call in a professional to fix them for you. They will be able to replace what is missing and get your roof back in good shape in no time.

Improper Installation

Yet another very common cause of roof leaks is improper installation of the roof itself. If you have used an inexperienced and relatively new company to install a new roof, then you may be at risk of having leaks in the future. The best way to eliminate the risk of this happening is by doing some research to find the right company for your roofing installation. The more you know about what a roofing company has to offer you, the easier you will find it to get the service you are looking for. The time that goes into this process will be worth it in the end.

If you are looking for a roofing service provider in Harrow, Allen Roofing Supplies is the best choice for all your roofing needs. Get in touch with them.

Students from Liceo María Luisa Bombal of Rancagua, Chile detained after taking control of school

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

San Fernando, Chile — Ten students from the Liceo María Luisa Bombal of Rancagua, O’Higgins Region were detained by the local police yesterday. Following their release, the students told the media they were required to remove their clothes at the police station.

The students, seven men and three women, took control of the building of the school early yesterday morning in response to the long delay in re-construction of the liceo, following the earthquake of 2010. At around 08:00 local time (1200 UTC), Leonardo Fuentes, general secretary of the Municipal Educational Corporation of Rancagua, authorized the police to clear out the students.

Student leader Jennifer Olivares told Diario VI Región the police “stripped off [their] clothes” ((es))Spanish language: ?Al llegar a la comisaría nos desnudaron. upon their arrival at the police station, Comisaría de Rancagua, something which Lieutenant Colonel of Carabineros Iván Guajardo did not deny. However, police stated the students will be charged by the public prosecutor with robbing food from the school. “It’s a bit illogical that they stripped off our clothes, with the knowledge that there were minors and without [us] being delinquents, but students who took the school peacefully” ((es))Spanish language: ?Es un poco ilógico que nos desnuden habiendo menores de edad y no siendo delincuentes, sino estudiantes que estábamos en una toma que había sido pacífica, said Olivares. Ignacio Muñoz, former leader of the occupation of the Liceo María Luisa Bombal, told El Rancahuaso “the Mayor [Eduardo Soto] promised to begin the reconstruction works last summer, and it’s August already and they don’t even begin to take the debris outside” ((es))Spanish language: ?El alcalde se comprometió a comenzar los trabajos de reconstrucción durante el verano de este año, y ya estamos en agosto y aún no comienzan ni moviendo los escombros del interior. Education Regional Secretary (Seremi de Educación) Pedro Larraín said the government “does not share” ((es))Spanish language: ?No compartimos las tomas such actions, “because they harm education” ((es))Spanish language: ?porque perjudican a la educación.

The Region of Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins was one of the first in 2012 to resuscitate the previous year’s student protests, more specifically at the Liceo Industrial de San Fernando, which was taken control by the students in late July, and which as of yesterday was still taken. The students of the Liceo Industrial were particularly affected, after the president of the school’s centro de alumnos Guillermo Horta Farías was stabbed outside the educational establishment on July 31; his fellow schoolmates subsequently organized a march in his honour in Rancagua, on August 8. As of August 11, eight high schools have been taken control of by students, in response to the government’s failure to satisfy the secondary and university students’ requests.

Saudis boycott Danish dairy produce

Friday, January 27, 2006

On January 26, 2006, a massive boycott of dairy produce from Arla Foods started in Saudi Arabia over what is perceived as a Danish attack on Muslim values. The Saudi ambassador to Denmark has been recalled for consultations.

The Danish/Swedish dairy company Arla is facing a massive loss after a spreading boycott of its produce in Saudi Arabia. Four Saudi retail chains have already removed Arla products from the shelves. One retail chain has placed yellow warning tape (common fare for accidents and crime scenes) over Arla products. There have been cases reported of Arla delivery trucks being attacked by stones thrown from bystanders. Marianne Castenskiold, a senior consultant for Dansk Industri, expressed a fear that the boycott will spread to other countries in the region and have detrimental effects on other Danish products. Denmark is one of the leading exporters of agriculture in northern Europe, whose economy is heavily dependent on foreign trade and investment.

The boycott has been announced at Friday prayer services in Saudi mosques since January 20, 2006, obviously helping to foment popular support of the nation’s response to Denmark’s alleged ignorance of Muslim values. On at least one occasion, a delivery truck has been greeted by thrown stones.

The boycott is a response to the publication of an article in a major Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten. In its September 30, 2005 issue, the paper printed 12 drawings of the Muslim prophet Muhammed, as a response to previous news reports that the publisher of a forthcoming childrens’ book about the prophet had had difficulty in finding an illustrator, due to fear of extremist reactions; drawings of the prophet are prohibited by Islamic Law (see aniconism). In an attempt to start a debate over freedom of speech in Denmark, the newspaper printed 12 drawings of the prophet. Four of these were of a satirical nature, with one showing the prophet with a turban hiding a lit bomb.

The immediate reactions to the publication of the drawings included ambassadors from 12 Muslim countries demanding that the Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, denounce the newspaper. Rasmussen rejected this demand, stating that “Danish freedom of speech does not allow the government to control what newspapers print”. He further noted that the only possible legal action against the newspaper would be one under the charge of blasphemy.

A debate ensued over the following months about freedom of speech and its value in relation to avoiding religious taboos. In mid-December 2005, a delegation from several Danish Muslim organizations went on a tour in several Middle-Eastern and Arabic countries, reportedly to gain sympathy for their point of view. Several reports state that during the tour the difficulties faced by Muslims in Denmark were grossly overstated.

Space Shuttle Atlantis set for June 8 launch despite worker strike

Sunday, June 3, 2007

After having its launch delayed three months due to damage caused by hail stones during a storm, Space Shuttle Atlantis has been given the green light by NASA to launch on June 8.

“NASA’s senior managers have signed the Certification of Flight Readiness confirming that Space Shuttle Atlantis, her flight crew and payloads are fit to fly,” said a statement posted on NASA’s website.

Atlantis’s main engines, orbital maneuvering system and forward reaction control system was pressurized this past weekend and the crew’s equipment has been put into stowage.

NASA plans to launch Atlantis despite a vote reached by the International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers, IAMAW, a union that is representing 570 workers that work with the shuttle program, but according to a union spokeswoman, the strike is not going to affect the launching of Atlantis.

“The bottom line is, a strike would not affect the next launch or the next one after that,” said IAMAW spokeswoman, Tracy Yates. The union voted down a contract because the workers believed that NASA’s wage offer is “substandard.”

Atlantis will deliver equipment to the International Space Station and to make repairs to it. Commanding Atlantis for its mission will be Rick Sturckow and Lee Archambault will serve as Atlantis’ pilot. Mission Specialists James Reilly, Steven Swanson, John Olivas and Flight Engineer Clayton Anderson round out the crew to deliver the S3/S4 starboard truss segments, batteries and another pair of solar arrays to the space station.

Refinancing Your Loan

Submitted by: Kirsten Hawkins

Refinancing your home or property is a big decision that could drastically affect your financial future, for the good or the bad, depending on how smart you go about the process. Take the time to explore all of the different refinancing options you have available to you. Many loan agents offer you refinancing deals that seem too good to be true, and while most of them seem to have your best interests at heart, do try to keep in mind that they are not paid unless they approve you for a loan–and you take it. Refinancing your mortgage can lower your monthly payments, lower the amount of interest you pay on your loan, or even shorten the term of your mortgage without having to pay a penalty for early mortgage pay off.

Refinancing a mortgage usually involves allowing a loan company to pay off your original home loan in return for you signing a loan contract with them. Most times, the second loan is more beneficial to the mortgagee, especially for that present time.


There are a couple of things you want to consider when trying to decide whether or not to refinance your home loan. First off, a lender usually charges fees on a point system; the points on your mortgage can range anywhere from zero points to four, depending on the credit worthiness of the borrower, and the type of lender you are using. Some lenders may offer a much lower interest rate with a higher number of points, while others may offer a higher interest rate and only zero to one point involved. Points are fees that are equal to one percent of the face value of the loan. A $200,000 loan with three points would cost the borrower $6,000 up front. A lower number of discount points may cause the loan to have a higher interest rate than the loan you are thinking of refinancing, perhaps causing your loan to cost you more in the end.

Of course, when thinking of refinancing, you are going to want to make sure that it will be in your benefit! The penalty costs of paying off your loan or mortgage early, the cost of appraising your home, related attorney costs, settlement fees, and closing costs are all amounts that should be taken into consideration when one is refinancing. As far as your current loan is concerned, these are all costs that, more often than not, have already been taken care of and you could be making things worse for yourself by taking these things on again, especially if your reason for refinancing is a rather tight financial situation.

The mistake not to make is to refinance to save your mortgage, to keep a bank or lender from foreclosing on your property. While sometimes situations like this are inescapable, borrowers who attempt to refinance their properties and homes under conditions such as this often end up essentially paying more than they were, saving their property and possibly harming their credit in the process.

About the Author: Kirsten Hawkins is a real estate expert from Nashville, TN. Visit


for more information on real estate, mortgages, and finding the house of your dream.



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Despite passage of bailout bill, two US states may need loans

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Despite the passage of a 700 billion USD bill by the United States House of Representatives on Friday and the Senate on Wednesday, two U.S. states may need loans totaling over 14 billion dollars.

California and Massachusetts are seeking at least 7 billion dollars each from the federal government as loans. Officials and lawmakers in both states say that the loans would be temporary.

According to Massachusetts’ state treasurer, Timothy P. Cahill, the state was unable to borrow money last week on a short term loan. He also states that the state can afford to pay its bills and debts for the next few weeks, but not beyond that without a short-term loan from the government. Cahill has asked the federal government for a loan similar to the recent one passed by Congress and the Senate.

“That’s all we would ask them to do: Treat us like the investment banks,” said Cahill to the Associated Press.

Officials in California say they need an emergency loan, or they will run out of money by the end of October. California’s governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger said the state is “not out of the woods” and needs a short term loan from the government.

“California and other states may be unable to obtain the necessary level of financing to maintain government operations and may be forced to turn to the federal treasury for short-term financing,” said Schwarzenegger in a letter to the Treasury Department, which is taking the letter under consideration.

On Friday, the U.S. House of Representative voted to pass a revised bailout bill which included raising the FDIC insurance cap to $250,000, a move designed to please progressives. However, the $110 billion in tax breaks, earmarks and what has been called pork barrel spending is not offset by any increases in revenues and has added opposition to the bill from some Representatives in the House. Earmarks added into the bailout bill included $192 million in tax rebates for the Virgin Islands rum industry, $148 million in tax cuts for the wool industry, $100 million tax cuts to the auto racing industry, and $48 million in Hollywood tax incentives, among others.

IMF and EU approve aid for Georgia

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The International Monetary Fund and the European Union approved aid packages to help Georgia recover from its conflict with Russia, which occurred in early August. The IMF approved a US$750 million loan which will allow Georgia to rebuild its currency reserves. The European Union also approved an aid package of 500 million in aid by 2010, which is expected to help internally displaced people (IDPs) and economic recovery in the form of new infrastructure. Only €100 million of the EU aid will be given to Georgia this year.

These loans are aimed to restore confidence in Georgia’s economy and send a signal to international investors that Georgia’s economy is sound. According to the IMF, international investors have been “critical to Georgia’s economic growth in recent years.”

Takatoshi Kato, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chairman of the IMF executive committee, said the loan will “make significant resources available to replenish international reserves and bolster investor confidence, with the aim of sustaining private capital inflows that have been critical to Georgia’s economic growth in recent years.”

Georgia has requested $2 billion in international aid to help it recover from the conflict. So far, the United States has pledged $1 billion in aid. Further assistance and loans to Georgia are expected from other organizations. Kato noted that “…Georgia is expected to receive financial assistance from multilateral and bilateral donors and creditors in support of the reconstruction effort.” It is expected that an international donors’ conference will take place next month to solicit more aid for the country.

Georgia’s government expects that economic growth will be more than cut in half as a result of the conflict. Last year, Georgia’s GDP increased 12.4% and it is predicted by the IMF that growth will be less than 4 percent in the coming year.

Michelin’s tyre mistake sends US Formula One Grand Prix into farce

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Indianapolis Formula One Grand Prix descended into farce when just six cars started the race on Sunday. The problem arose when Michelin discovered that its tires were incapable of more than ten laps at race pace.

The first indication of trouble was when the rear left tire of Ralf Schumacher’s Toyota racecar exploded during practice on Friday. Schumacher’s car collided with the track wall while travelling at 300 km/h (approx. 186 miles/h), leaving him shaken but generally unharmed. However, further investigations by Michelin revealed that another ten tires had suffered problems, with one also failing on track.

All the problems occurred on the rear left tire during the two long 90 degree corners leading onto the main straight. The nine degree banking and grooves cut into the surface of the track compounded problems.

It is believed that Michelin may not have properly accounted for the grooves cut into the Indianapolis track to improve grip for Indy cars after the track was resurfaced. Indy cars have smaller down-force generating wings so need more grip from their tires than Formula One cars.

Bridgestone, the other tire manufacturer currently in Formula One, did not have similar problems. It is possible that their US subsidiary, Firestone, who supplied tires for an Indy car race after the resurfacing, may have sent information back to their Formula One tires department in Japan. The three teams running Bridgestone tires – Ferrari, Jordan and Minardi – were therefore able to compete without any safety concerns.

Under FIA racing regulations, the only course of action was for the Michelin runners to withdraw from the race on safety grounds. Rules prevented alternative tires from being flown from France overnight, although Michelin were unsure whether these tires were also affected by the problem.

Drivers and teams had also suggested building a chicane to slow cars down between the corners, but Ferrari opposed the idea, and ultimately the FIA rejected the idea under regulations.

Actually the FIA rules states that the tyres manufacters should provide two sets of tyres for the race. One normal, optimized for performance, and one optimized for safety, to be used when the normal one set could not be used. In this case the safe set was not present.

The 123,000 fans watching from the stands were unaware of the farce unfolding below them until the parade lap before the race.

The fourteen Michelin runners peeled off into the pit lane rather than take up their starting positions on the grid. However, at least one driver, David Coulthard told his team that he was willing to race on the tires in question, had the decision been left up to him.

Fans jeered and booed as they realised what was happening, and a small number began throwing bottles and cans onto the track.

Rubens Barrichello, in a Ferrari, ran over one bottle of water at high speed which exploded in a spray of droplets.

Fans started stamping in the stands on the finish line straight, causing them to shake.

A British ITV filmcrew spoke to some fans. “I paid $85 for three-day ticket. I travelled nine hours from Baltimore to be here. Indy cars wouldn’t do this. NASCAR wouldn’t do this. I’ll never attend a race again – only watch on TV.”

Other fans had travelled from Mexico and Panama to watch the race, and said they wanted refunds.

A Police Captain also talked to ITV, saying he’d never seen fans as angry as this before. If trouble flared, they could call on 400-500 officers from local and state police, Indianapolis Police Department and the FBI under contingency plans.

The race was eventually won by Michael Schumacher from his Ferrari teammate Rubens Barrichello. Jordan’s Tiago Monteiro finished third. Despite what was clearly a one-manufacturer race for the win, both Ferrari drivers did indeed race one another hard, with them almost colliding following Schumacher’s exit from the pit lane after his second pitstop, with Barrichello having to take to the infield to avoid spinning off. Following the race, the two drivers did not speak.

Car Loan Broker Jobs

Car Loan Broker Jobs


Shelley Mason

Car loan brokers are extremely helpful when it comes to getting a loan approved through financial lenders. They are more comfortable and time saving for anyone who is searching for a car loan lender. Car loan broker jobs are to make a deal between you and a car loan lender as they have contacts with many local car loan lenders. They submit your information to get you approved the loan before even having any car dealership with them.


Especially if, you can find your brokers online then it will much more convenient and relatively easier for you as many car loans are easily available on the internet which is merged with these brokers. The actual job of loan brokers is that they are involved with many local loan lenders and when you provide them your credit card information along with the other details; they can make contacts with various lenders to find out who can approve your loan. Once a lender is ready to accept the request, the brokers will provide you the contact information of those lenders which have shown that they will approve your request upon completion and submission of the application form. Mostly the people who look out for a car loan brokers are the ones who have poor credit history or having bad credit. If you are amongst the one, who does not want to run behind various lenders for approval of the loan, then car loan broker jobs make it relatively easier for you to get the loan despite having bad credit history through his contacts with various car loan lenders. Those who have well to excellent credit rating usually get all the lenders who are ready to raise their request and accept their loan request. These people usually save their broker money as they pay directly to the lender. It is now proved that car loan brokers save time, money especially for anyone with bad credit. They are so many brokers, which are available online these days. Hence, contacting them is not a problem. Through these loan brokers, you can get your work done easily without many hassles with lenders. It is better if you fill out the application forms of those lenders brought up by the brokers than the needless effort in filling out forms for every lender to get the loan approval. Car loan broker jobs are also susceptible to some disadvantages. It is not necessary that whatever lender they will bring for you will have the satisfactory terms and conditions suitable to your match. You may be able to find the best deal through your own research rather than by contacting a broker. Car loan brokers are also sometimes superfluous as they usually help the ones with fair to excellent credit rating, hence they have to do less hard work in finding out the lenders and they get paid easily. In all, as car loan brokers have a lot of dealing and contacts with the local car financial lenders. It will be quite easier for you to find out the lenders instead on taking time in researching and then getting unwanted rejection for loans. Car loan broker jobs saves time, money and harassment which you probably get while finding the best deal on your own.

There are lots of different roles available in many larger

car loan broker

and other finance broker companies. These can vary from admin positions to the processing of

car loans

and managing accounts.

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Wikinews interviews William Pomerantz, Senior Director of Space Prizes at the X PRIZE Foundation

Regardless of who wins the prize, people all around the world will be able to experience the mission through high-def video-streams.
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Andreas Hornig, Wikinews contributor and team member of Synergy Moon, competitor in the Google Lunar X Prize, managed to interview Senior Director of Space Prizes William Pomerantz of the X PRIZE Foundation about the competitions, goals, and impacts via e-mail for HDTVTotal.com and Wikinews.

By Wikinews,

the free news source

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This article is part of a page redesign trial on Wikinews. Please leave comments or bug reports on this redesign.This interview originally appeared on HDTVTotal.com, released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Credit for this interview goes to HDTVTotal.com and Andreas -horn- Hornig.