The Benefits Of Commercial Solar Energy

Submitted by: Christy Maraone

Colorado businesses large and small continue to face a never ending battle of rising conventional electrical costs. In fact, this is often one of the largest monthly business expenses and can run in the thousands of dollars. The good news for businesses is that there is no better time for business owners to go solar PV. Commercial solar is now more affordable than ever with the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), 30% federal investment tax credit, grants and accelerated depreciation on renewable energy equipment. Think you can t afford the initial upfront cost? Think again! There are several options to acquire solar including a Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and commercial solar leasing options.

As Colorado businesses battle the ever-increasing electrical costs, solar PV is a quick, easy way to impact your bottom line. By installing solar today, you can capitalize on the incredible incentives and rebates, not to mention immediately saving on your monthly electrical bills. Solar PV is a great way to offset future rises in energy costs and minimize your environmental footprint.


Commercial and industrial solar PV come in a variety of options including Crystalline, Thin Film Laminates, and Solyndra. Determining the right commercial solar option to fit your needs will depend on a variety of factors including money, system preferences, facings, shadowing/obstructions, desired output, management and connections. Crystalline panels have the highest sunlight conversion technologies, are manufactured in a frame with shatter resistant glass, and are hail resistant. Thin Film Laminates are flexible, lightweight, good for low and diffused sunlight technology, adhere directly to your roof and are severe hail and hurricane wind certified. Solyndra is lightweight, hail and wind resistant, and self-ballasting.

Commercial and industrial solar PV come in a variety of options including Crystalline, Thin Film Laminates, and Solyndra. Determining the right commercial solar option to fit your needs will depend on a variety of factors including money, system preferences, facings, shadowing/obstructions, desired output, management and connections. Crystalline panels have the highest sunlight conversion technologies, are manufactured in a frame with shatter resistant glass, and are hail resistant. Thin Film Laminates are flexible, lightweight, good for low and diffused sunlight technology, adhere directly to your roof and are severe hail and hurricane wind certified. Solyndra is lightweight, hail and wind resistant, and self-ballasting.

Finding a quality commercial solar company is imperative as you explore different solar PV technologies and installation options. The right company will not push you into any certain products but will determine the right product depending on your budget and roofing situation. A proper solar assessment and exploring different financing options can take some time, thus making the process a bit lengthy but once installation is complete, your savings are nearly immediate. While range of ROI s may vary, typical technologies are around 4-7 years. With current incentives and rebates, getting started has never been easier!

Douglass Colony Group designs and performs full-service turn-key commercial solar installations for commercial, industrial, educational, and government customers in the U.S. By adding commercial solar to your building today, Douglass Colony Group will ensure that your building and property are protected and that your PV-system is optimized throughout the expected life of your investment. Whether ballasted or penetrated rooftop, carports, awnings, or ground mounts, Douglass Colony has the application and technology that s right for you.

About the Author: Since 1947 Douglass Colony Group has been the leader in providing commercial solar in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region. Call us today for your commercial solar needs at 303-288-2635 or toll-free at 1-877-288-0650. Visit our website at



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Scientists report two life-saving treatments for Ebola

Thursday, August 15, 2019

On Monday morning, Director Anthony Fauci of the United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), announced a trial of four possible Ebola drugs was stopped early because two of them had already shown considerable progress in treating the disease and saving the lives of those infected. Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a hemorrhagic fever with a high mortality rate and spreads via human-to-human contact.

The PALM trial, for the Swahili phrase pamoja tulinde maisha or “together save lives,” began last November and collected data from 499 patients from the towns of Beni, Butembo, Mangina, and Katwa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has suffered an Ebola outbreak for roughly the past year.

Professor Jean-Jacques Muyembe, Director General of the DRC’s Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale that monitored the trial, said, “From now on, we will no longer say that Ebola is incurable[.]” He went on to say thousands of deaths could be prevented.

While one experimental vaccine appears able to reduce Ebola mortality, up until now, no drugs have been clearly demonstrated suitable for treating existing infection. One antibody cocktail, ZMapp, initially showed promise in the field, but formal studies indicated it had less benefit than sought in preventing death. In the PALM trial, ZMapp served as a control, meaning scientists used it as a baseline and compared the three other treatments to it.

The other three treatments were remdesivir, an antiviral drug; mAb114, a monoclonal antibody first isolated from human survivors of an outbreak in Kikwit in 1995, now produced by the Florida company Ridgeback Biotherapeutics; and REGN-EB3, a cocktail of three monoclonal antibodies from Ebola-infected laboratory mice whose immune systems had been altered to be similar to humans’.

The overall mortality rates were 49% for patients treated with ZMapp, 53% for remdesivir, 29% for REGN-EB3, and 34% for mAb114, but patients treatment early with low viral loads had a death rate of only 6% to 11% when treated with REGN-EB3 or mAb114.

Mike Ryan of the World Health Organization (WHO) told the press the new drugs were only part of the solution: “What will stop Ebola, under professor Muyembe’s leadership and that of the government of the DRC, is good surveillance, good infection prevention and control, good community engagement, excellent vaccinations, and the use of these therapeutics in the most effective way possible.”

Past EVD outbreak mortality rates have been at least 25%, as high as 90%, and averaged around 50% according to WHO’s statistics. According to Muyembe, many people do not seek treatment because they see their friends and relatives die after entering a care facility. “Now that 90% of their patients can go into the treatment center and come out completely cured,” he told the press, “they will start believing it and building trust in the population and community[.]”

Per the WHO’s Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Investigational Interventions framework, all treatment centers in the DRC are to be permitted to administer mAb114 and REGN-EB3 to patients, even though research into the two treatments is not yet complete, and ZMapp and remdesivir are to be retired. A follow-on study, to be performed in the same four treatment centers as PALM, is to involve randomly assigning patients either a mAb114 or REGN-EB3 regimen.

In the DRC’s current Ebola outbreak, two thirds of those known to be infected with Ebola, over 1800 people, have died.

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Freedom Party candidate Wayne Simmons, Don Valley East

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wayne Simmons is running for the Freedom Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Don Valley East riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Wayne did not answer “Of the decisions made by Ontario’s 38th Legislative Assembly, which was the most beneficial to your this electoral district? To the province as a whole? Which was least beneficial, or even harmful, to your this riding? To the province as a whole?”

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

Washer And Washing Machine Cycles Of Operation

By Richard Caldwell

A typical wash cycle of a typical agitator-type washing machine begins with a fill period of anywhere from 2 to 5 min. depending on the water level selected and the water pressure. Maytag, Whirlpool, Kenmore (Sears), Frigidaire, and GE may have minor capacity differences and thus time differences. The washing period, which will be for anywhere from 2 to 12 minutes, also depends on the setting the operator has selected. After the wash cycle is completed, the machine pauses for 1 min for the purpose of reversing motor rotation. After the 1-min pause, water is pumped from the spin basket and the outer tub. The spin basket does not spin during this operation, although, if there is no clothing or very little clothing in the spin basket, there is a tendency for it to move slightly. The washer agitator may also move very slightly, and this must not be mistaken for a fault in the washer. The motion of both the basket and the agitator will not occur in cases where there is a least a minimum amount of clothing in the basket.

The following is the general cycle of operation, with the approximate time used in the various states:

Wash fill – 3 to 4 minutes

Wash – 1 to 15 minutes

Spin – 2 to 3 minutes


Rinse Fill 3 to 4 minutes

Rinses 2 to 3 minutes

Spin Dry 3 to 5 minutes

Total Time 14 to 34 minutes

This is not exact cycle and like I said above, there are minor differences between such brands as Whirlpool, Kenmore (Sears), Maytag, GE, and others. The time for one complete cycle may range from as little as 14 minutes to as long as 34 min, depending on the particular machine and length of the washer period which the user selects.

During the washer pump out period, water enters the spin basket and removes all suds from the outer tub as well as the spin basket and clothes load. By the end of the pump out period, all water has been removed from the spin basket and the outer tub. After the pump out period, the spin basket spins under power for a period of minute. After this time, power to the motor is turned off, and the basket is free to coast. The spin basket coasts through the next 2 min. during which time rinse water enters the washer basket and pump still operates.

The initial power spin and the subsequent coasting of the spin basket, together with the spin-spray water entering the clothes, have a tendency to wash any lighter-than-water soil from the fabric and flush it away from the clothing. The washer spin basket is operating only at slow speed at this time; therefore, the clothing is not packed so tightly that a scum or lighter-than-water soil will be trapped.

After the initial spin rinse, the normal extraction spin of our typical washer occurs for a period of 2 minutes, after which the spin basket wills with water for a period of not less than 2 minutes and not more than 4 min, depending upon the original setting of the water level switch. The difference between the initial fill and the rinse fill comes about through the fact that the clothes in the spin basket contain some water which is not found in the original load.

After our typical washer is filled with rinse water, there is a 4 min period of agitated deep-wave rinse. The 1 min pause and 2 min pump out periods are repeated, after which the spin basket operates for a total of 7 min to extract water from the clothes. After the first 3/4 min, a1 /4 min spin spray occurs for an additional fresh-water rinsing. Please understand the cycle of operations, because if washers pause for 1 min and you do not realize the reason for it, you may have already have called the service technician before the machine starts again. The cycle times of various operations of the washers are given in the service manuals.

Please use this as a basic guide to understand the basic operating principles of the top-load automatic washing machine. Once again, there are slight variations between Maytag, Whirlpool, and Kenmore (Sears), so special considerations may be necessary.

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Jersey child abuse case ‘was not covered up’

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Frank Walker, the chief minister of Jersey, a United Kingdom Crown dependency off the coast of Normandy, France, denies that there was a cover up after a child’s remains were found.

The allegations of a cover-up stem from statements by Stuart Syvret. Syvret, the former Minister for Health and Social Services for Jersey, said that “It’s a continuum that we see. It’s a culture of cover-up and concealment and tragically the recent evidence is just the latest manifestation of that.”

It has come to light that Edward Paisnel, a notorious pedophile, used to visit the Haut de la Garenne children’s home dressed as Father Christmas. Paisnel in 1971, was given a sentence of 30 years for 13 counts of assault, rape and sodomy.

Syvret says he was dismissed from his ministerial position after highlighting the “torture” of 11 to 16-year-olds in the island’s care homes. He claimed he was “sacked for whistleblowing”.

Police are currently investigating twenty-seven cases of child abuse on the island and recently discovered the body of one child at a care home Haut de la Garenne in St. Martin, and with a potential six sites in the area where more bodies may be located. The home was closed in 1986 and since 2003 it has served as a youth hostel.

Jersey’s deputy police chief, Lenny Harper said “Part of the inquiry will be the fact that a lot of the victims tried to report their assaults but for some reason or another they were not dealt with as they should be.”

Harper added that “no evidence of a cover-up of any Jersey government” has been found. “We are looking at allegations that a number of agencies didn’t deal with things as perhaps they should.”

Syvret has encouraged the government of the United Kingdom to assign independent judges to oversee any cases that result from the investigations.

Builders originally uncovered a body at the care home in 2003 but it was only since an operation investigate child abuse started in 2006 that progress has been made. An ex-minister of the States of Jersey, the parliament of the island, has criticised the handling of the case, stating that abuse cases were mishandled.

Walker told senators that all necessary resources would be use to find the abusers. “None of us imagined that children in Jersey could be abused and mistreated in the way that is being suggested,” the BBC have quoted him as saying. “I express my shock and horror that these things have apparently happened within our island.”

Specialist police from the United Kingdom have been investigating after an enquiry turned up 140 sources verifying the claims of abuse.

British MP David Cairns dies aged 44

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

British MP David Cairns has died at the age of 44. Cairns died at the University College London Hospital where he was admitted to intensive care in March suffering from acute pancreatitis. He had represented the constituency of Greenock and Inverclyde in Scotland since 2001 as a member of the Labour party.

Labour issued a statement saying “It is with great regret that we have to announce that David Cairns, member of parliament for Inverclyde, passed away at 2300 last night at the Royal Free, London. David had been suffering from acute pancreatitis after he was admitted as an emergency patient eight weeks ago. Our thoughts are with his partner Dermot, his father John and his brother Billy and all his many friends and family.” The statement added “David’s untimely death is a huge loss to parliament and politics in this country.”

Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond called Cairns — a former Scotland Office minister — “clearly a dedicated and principled parliamentarian, and an effective representative of his constituents, who carried respect across the political spectrum and far beyond.” Scottish Secretary Michael Moore, a Liberal Democrat, said “David contributed a huge amount to Scottish political life and was a decent, intelligent and warm figure who was liked and respected across political divides.”

Cairns’s Conservative successor to the Scotland Office job said Cairns “was a truly decent man, who worked tirelessly for his constituents and for the interests of Scotland.”

Current Labour leader Ed Miliband also released a statement, saying “David will be missed beyond measure as a former minister, as an MP, as a friend and a colleague by many people.” Former prime minister Tony Blair paid tribute to him by saying “David’s life was dedicated to public service. He was a committed and conscientious constituency MP, an excellent government minister and a passionate campaigner for social justice, equality and opportunity.”

Cairns, who was a Roman Catholic priest before entering politics, was only allowed to become an MP when a new law was passed. Before 2001 a 19th-century law had stated that former Catholic priests were not allowed to stand as members of parliament. It was only when The House of Commons (Removal of Clergy Disqualification) Act 2001 was brought into force that he could stand for parliament.

Cairns resigned during Gordon Brown’s term as Prime Minister over disputes about Brown’s position in 2008 but was re-elected at the last general election.

Due to Cairns’s death a by-election will have to be held to decide who will become his successor.

Used Forklifts: Why Are They So Much In Demand?

Used Forklifts: Why Are They So Much In Demand?


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If there is anything that is patronized heavily across the myriad range of industries that we have today then, it is definitely the used forklifts. It is an undeniable fact that a forklift comes in at a premium price and obviously when one opts for a big brand in the segment, they need to put down a lot of money.The used forklifts save all such pain for the industry owner. Needless to mention, the used ones come in at lesser price when compared to the brand new counterparts. A sheer comparison of the price tags would elucidate on the price difference between the used and the new ones.


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Southern Ocean whale slaughter to resume

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

The international environmental organisation, Greenpeace, have been shadowing a Japanese whaling fleet currently operating in the Southern Ocean in Australian Antarctic Territory. They claim a minor victory against the six-vessel fleet, saying no whales have been killed since Christmas Eve. However they expect a resumption of whaling and protest activity soon.

Greenpeace has two ships, MV Esperanza and MV Arctic Sunrise, active near Antarctica, in an effort to disrupt the whalers, who intend on slaughtering over 900 Minke whales and 10 Fin whales in the region this summer. The activists aim to stop the Japanese whaling fleet as it tries to catch nearly 1000 whales for what is claimed to be scientific research.

Greenpeace chief Steve Shallhorn states that the protesters have chased the six-ship fleet northwards, with the vessels now away from the designated whaling zone. Greenpeace plan to maintain their efforts to keep the whalers in the public eye.

“What the fleet is doing is trying to outrun Greenpeace so that it can sneak back into the whaling grounds and resume the kill,” he said. “And for that very reason, we’re doing our very best and are succeeding in keeping up with the factory whaling ship. We are certain that they do not want any further publicity.”

He said Greenpeace will continue its high-speed tailing for as long as it takes. “We’re capable of staying out there for many more weeks,” he said. “The [Japanese] fleet is clearly embarrassed by having their actions exposed to the world, since the spotlight on their activities shows what it really is – commercial whaling with a very thin disguise.”

The whalers have been unable to kill any whales since Christmas Eve due to poor weather and harassment by Greenpeace vessels, and the Washington-based Sea Shepherd ship, RV Farley Mowat. The Sea Shepherd is operating independently of Greenpeace but say they are working towards a common objective – “the shutting down of illegal whaling in the Southern Ocean.”

Greenpeace expedition leader Shane Rattenbury says the whalers have a season of about 100 days. “Their quota is 945 whales. If you lose, say, 10 per cent of those through bad weather, they’ve got an average they need to catch of 10 a day and it’s gone 10 days now without having any whales,” he said. “That starts to add up pretty quickly. They’re under a bit of pressure to get on with the business.”

Japan’s Institute for Cetacean Research have rejected the claims made by Sea Shepherd, that Japanese warship was being sent to Antarctica to protect the fleet against the activists.

The Japanese institute spokesman condemned Sea Shepherd over the claim by Farley Mowat captain Paul Watson, who called on the Australian Government to keep the peace.File:Greenpeace Vessels Esperanza and Arctic Sun.jpg

Sea Shepherd had requested the presence of the Australian navy to monitor events in the Southern Ocean. However, Australia’s environment minister, Senator Ian Campbell, said that Sea Shepherd’s threats to attack the fleet “risk setting back the cause of whale conservation many years”.

Capt Watson said yesterday: “Stop threatening us, Mr Campbell, and charge us if you believe we are acting unlawfully. Stop posing for the Japanese [who] are in blatant violation of international conservation laws.”

Japan’s Fisheries Agency, which conducts the whaling, said the claim was a tactic by Sea Shepherd to try to raise the stakes for extra publicity.

“This is why the environmentalists’ campaign in the Antarctic is a PR stunt: every time they get some media coverage there’s always some member not too far away asking the public for money,” an agency spokesman said in a statement. “Only this time, it completely backfired and now people will question what these groups say.”

The spokesman had no response to Greenpeace’s claim that another vessel had joined the whaling fleet and was refuelling the ships within the boundary of the Antarctic Treaty’s nature reserve.

Mr Rattenbury said the 57 activists and crew aboard the Greenpeace ships were in good health following a quiet New Year’s Day celebration on deck under a midnight sun.

Wikinews Australia has in-depth coverage of this issue: Southern Ocean whaling season (2005-2006)

He said his ships were not in contact with the Farley Mowat, which is believed to be closer to the Antarctic ice shelf. The Farley Mowat’s weblog quoted ship captain Paul Watson as saying the Sea Shepherd group had no conflict with Greenpeace, despite earlier British media assertions.

“As far as I am concerned both Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace are working towards a common objective – the shutting down of illegal whaling in the Southern Ocean,” said Paul Watson.

Greenpeace believes the fleet killed at least 25 whales from the time it contacted the whalers just before Christmas.

New Zealand begins process to consider changing national flag design

Thursday, May 7, 2015

On Tuesday, the New Zealand government announced the start of a public process to suggest designs for a new national flag, and determine whether their citizens would prefer a different national flag over the current one.

The current New Zealand flag is partially based on the United Kingdom’s flag; the new one would be unique to New Zealand. The government’s Flag Consideration Project has planned a number of conferences and roadshows as part of this process, with the first meeting set to take place in Christchurch on May 16. According to the New Zealand Herald, Emeritus Professor John Burrows, the chairman of the project’s panel of twelve, said New Zealand’s flag has never before been open to public choice.

Professor Burrows also said resources and kits would be accessible for schools and communities, “For example, schools can run their own flag discussions and referendums to mirror the formal process as part of their own learning exercise”. People were encouraged to submit their designs online at and suggest what the flag should mean on Names of participants would be engraved, at their option, on a flag pole monument to be built in the nation’s capital, Wellington.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key said he believes redesigning the flag now has a “strong rationale”. Mr Key promoted the campaign for a unique New Zealand flag on Waitangi Day — February 6 — this year. Of the public process, he said, “In the end I’ll have one vote in each referendum just like every other New Zealander on the electoral roll”.

The New Zealand government intends to hold two referendums to reach a verdict on the flag, at an estimated cost of NZ$26 million, although a recent poll found only a quarter of citizens favoured changing the flag. This is a decrease from the year before, when it was forty percent. The first referendum is to be held from November 20 to December 11, selecting a single new flag design out of about four finalists. Voters would then choose between the new flag and their current flag early in 2016.